The 10th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems - JTRES 2012

Technical University of Denmark
DTU Informatics

24-26 October 2012
Copenhagen, Denmark

::Wednesday, 24th October::

Registration and Welcome
9:45 Welcome, Andy Welling, Martin Schoeberl
10:00-11:00 Invited Talk (Chair: Andy Wellings)
11:00-11:30 Tea/Coffee
11:30-12:30 Session 1: SCJ Memory Analysis (Chair: Teresa Higuera-Toledano)
  • Patterns for Safety-Critical Java Memory Usage
    Juan Rios, Kelvin Nilsen and Martin Schoeberl. Slides
  • Private Memory Allocation Analysis for Safety-Critical Java
    Andreas Engelbredt Dalsgaard, René Rydhof Hansen and Martin Schoeberl. Slides
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Session 2: RTSJ Issues (Chair: Kelvin Nilsen)
  • A Middleware Framework Accommodating Categorized Multiprocessor Real-time Scheduling in the RTSJ
    Jinsan Kwon, Hyeonjoong Cho and Binoy Ravindran. Slides
  • A New I/O Model for the Real-Time Specfication for Java
    James J. Hunt. Slides
  • About 15 years of Real-Time Java
    M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano. Slides
Session 3: Safety-Critical Java Implementations (Chair: Wolfgang Puffitsch)

  • Safety Critical Java for Low-End Embedded Platforms
    Hans Søndergaard, Stephan E. Korsholm and Anders P. Ravn. Slides
  • Safety-Critical Java on a Java Processor
    Martin Schoeberl and Juan Rios. Slides
Session 4: Case Studies in SCJ (Chair: Johan O. Nielsen)
  • The Cardiac Pacemaker Case Study and its implementation in Safety-Critical Java and Ravenscar Ada
    Neeraj Kumar Singh, Andy Wellings and Ana Cavalcanti. Slides
  • A Desktop 3D Printer in Safety-Critical Java
    Tórur Biskopstø Strøm and Martin Schoeberl. Slides

::Thursday, 25th October::

Session 5: Java Processors (Chair: Anders P. Ravn)
  • Java Bytecode to Hardware Made Easy with Bluespec SystemVerilog
    Flavius Gruian and Mehmet Ali Arslan. Slides
  • Increasing the Efficiency of an Embedded Multi-Core Bytecode Processor Using an Object Cache
    Martin Zabel, Thomas Preußer and Rainer G. Spallek. Slides
  • On the Scalability of Time-predictable Chip-Multiprocessing
    Wolfgang Puffitsch and Martin Schoeberl. Slides
11:30-12:30 Session 6: Java on Android (Chair: Martin Schoeberl)
  • A Real-time Extension to the Android Platform
    Igor Kalkov, Dominik Franke, John F. Schommer and Stefan Kowalewski. Slides
  • Evaluation of Android Dalvik Virtual Machine
    Hyeong-Seok Oh, Beom-Jun Kim, Hyung-Kyu Choi and Soo-Mook Moon. Slides
12:30-13:30 Lunch
Session 7: The Charter Project (Chair: James Hunt)
  • Using CHARTER tools to develop a Safety-Critical Avionics Application in Java
    Gosse Wedzinga and Klaas Wiegmink. Slides
  • Making Resource Analysis Practical for Real-Time Java
    Rody Kersten, Olha Shkaravska, Bernard van Gastel, Manuel Montenegro and Marko Van Eekelen. Slides
  • Real-time Java API Specifications for High Coverage Test Generation
    Wolfgang Ahrendt, Wojciech Mostowski and Gabriele Paganelli. Slides
Session 8: Testing Chair (Chair: Sascha Uhrig)
  • JI.Fi : Visual Test and Debug Queries for Hard Real-Time
    Ethan Blanton, Demian Lessa, Lukasz Ziarek and Bharat Jayaram. Slides
Workshop Dinner at Spiseloppen, 43 Badsmandsstraede, (Christianshavn/Christiana)

Meeting either 19:30 at Spiseloppen or 19:00 at the Metro station Christianshavn

::Friday, 26th October::

Invited Talk (Chair: Andy Wellings)
  • Revisiting the "PERC Real-Time API"
    Kelvin Nilsen. Slides
10:30-11:00 Tea/Coffee
11:00-12:00 Session 9: Miscellaneous (Chair: Rene R. Hansen)
  • Model-based Development for RTSJ Platforms
    Miguel de Miguel and Emilio Salazar. Slides
  • Implementing a Ring-based Real-time Capable Network using a Multithreaded Java Processor
    Sascha Uhrig. Slides
12:00-12:15 Workshop Close/Next Workshop